Get Involved

You can play an active role in empowering career mothers and promoting exclusive breastfeeding. Our organization thrives on the support and dedication of individuals, companies, and communities like yours who share our vision of creating a world where every mother can thrive in her career while prioritizing the health and well-being of her baby. Whether you’re passionate about volunteering your time, making a donation, advocating for change, or partnering with us as a corporate sponsor, there are many ways to get involved and make a meaningful impact. Join us in our mission and together, let’s make a difference in the lives of career mothers and their babies.

Individual Support

  • Volunteering
  • Donating
  • Advocacy

Join our team of dedicated volunteers and make a meaningful impact in promoting exclusive breastfeeding and supporting breastfeeding mothers across Kenya. Whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking for a long-term commitment, we have volunteer opportunities to suit your interests, skills, and availability. Volunteer roles may include:
- Assisting with community outreach events and workshops

- Providing administrative support

- Contributing to fundraising campaigns and events

- Offering peer support to breastfeeding mothers

Volunteer Now

Your generous donations enable us to continue our vital work in promoting maternal and child health through advocacy, education, and support initiatives. Your financial contributions help fund our programs, resources, and outreach efforts, ensuring that we can reach more mothers and families with the support they need to breastfeed successfully. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference
in the lives of mothers and babies in Kenya.

Donate Now

Become an advocate for exclusive breastfeeding and maternal health in your community and beyond. Raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding, advocate for supportive policies and practices in workplaces and healthcare settings, and challenge myths and misconceptions surrounding breastfeeding. By speaking out and sharing your knowledge and experiences, you can help create a
breastfeeding-friendly environment where every mother feels empowered and supported to breastfeed her child.

Contact Us

Corporate Partnerships & Sponsorships

  • Corporate Sponsorship
  • Workplace Support

Partner with us to make a positive impact on maternal and child health in Kenya. Corporate sponsorships provide opportunities for businesses to support our programs and initiatives while demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility and employee well-being. Sponsorship packages may include:
- Brand visibility and recognition in our promotional materials and events

- Employee engagement opportunities, such as volunteering and fundraising activities

- Customized partnership opportunities tailored to your company's goals and values

Be a Patner

Promote breastfeeding-friendly workplace policies and practices within your organization to support breastfeeding mothers among your employees. Provide lactation accommodations, such as dedicated lactation rooms, flexible work arrangements, and breastfeeding support resources, to enable working mothers to continue breastfeeding while returning to work. By prioritizing breastfeeding support in the workplace, you can create a supportive environment that values and respects the needs of breastfeeding employees.

Community Outreach Opportunities

  • Host a Fundraising Event
  • Educational Workshops

Organize a fundraising event in your community to raise awareness and funds for Career Mothers for Exclusive Breastfeeding. Whether it's a charity run, bake sale, or community concert, fundraising events offer opportunities to engage with your community while supporting a worthy cause. We can provide resources and support to help you plan and promote your fundraising event effectively.

Contact Us

Partner with us to host educational workshops and seminars on breastfeeding and maternal health in your community. These workshops provide valuable information and support to mothers and families, empowering them to make informed decisions about breastfeeding and maternal care. Topics covered may include breastfeeding basics, newborn care, postpartum health, and more.

Be a Partner

Membership Options

  • Become a Member

Join our community of members committed to promoting exclusive breastfeeding and supporting maternal and child health in Kenya. Membership offers opportunities for individuals and organizations to connect, collaborate, and contribute to our mission through advocacy, education, and support initiatives. Benefits of membership may include:
- Access to exclusive events, workshops, and resources

- Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals and organizations

- Opportunities to participate in advocacy campaigns and initiatives

Contact Us
By getting involved with Career Mothers for Exclusive Breastfeeding, you can play a vital role in promoting exclusive breastfeeding, supporting breastfeeding mothers, and improving maternal and child health outcomes in Kenya. Whether you choose to volunteer your time, make a donation, advocate for change, or partner with us, your support makes a difference in the lives of mothers and babies across the country. Join us today and be part of the movement for breastfeeding empowerment and maternal health!